Client Inspiration #1


Our clients are what make our LH Pilates community so AMAZING. We know that everyone has their own unique Pilates journey so we wanted to share with you a regular feature about our clients.

This month I am delighted to introduce Pam. I met Pam back in 2015 when I first started teaching Pilates and was teaching a weekly class at a local gym, after I left she began to attend my classes at the college dance studio and now at my studio.

Pam is an inspiration, after 10+ years of practice she continues to explore and refine movements in her body.

A word from Lauren

I remember a few years ago that Pam, following a few drinks, had been showing some friends her ‘roll up’ we had lots of laughs about it before class!

Over to Pam…

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

Shortly after I took early retirement at the age of 58 I started a ‘Movement To Music’ class at The Gateway. The session after ours was Pilates, I knew a couple of the women who attended it so after a few years I signed on. I really enjoyed the difference between Pilates and the exercise I had been doing previously which had been mostly dance and gym, the way that Pilates moves and stretches your whole body made a big impact. When the classes at The Gateway stopped I joined a class at my gym which took Pilates to another level for me and confirmed my dedication to this form of exercise. I should mention that I never did any form of exercise at all after leaving school until I was 50.

How often do you practice Pilates and what type of sessions or classes have you been doing?

Currently I do three one hour classes a week one of which is online, I also do twenty minutes Pilates twice a week as a stretch after a gym session. I tend to use this time not only to stretch my body but also to try and perfect movements that I am having trouble performing. I do an hour in the gym but it is the last twenty minutes that I really enjoy and make me sweat!

What benefits or improvements have you noticed in your body and life from doing Pilates?

Where to start! I am much more supple than I was even given my advancing years - I have never, even as a child, been able to touch my toes but a few years ago I touched my toes for the first time in 70 years!! I have really felt the benefit of increased core strength in every day living. Little things which get harder as you get older such as being able to bend down and straighten up easily, standing up from sitting without a problem and I know my back is so much stronger now which improves my posture and enables me to lift and carry weights that would be challenging to some people of my age. Pilates has given me confidence in my body and taught me how to use it to its best advantage if that makes sense.

 I take such pleasure in my body surprising me with what it can do under the careful supervision of a good Pilates teacher and the strength and suppleness that I gain from my continuing practice.

Pilates also helps my mental well being, an hour doing Pilates is an hour concentrating on your body and is time out from the stresses and strains of life, it leaves me relaxed and happy - especially relevant over the last year.

Do you have a favourite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I have a couple of favourite exercises - I love, love, love The Bridge and The Roll Up from a prone position. I can feel every vertebrae moving and articulating and my core muscles working to lift and lower me and they connect me with my body in an amazing way - they make me aware of how my body works and how wonderful it is.

I also really enjoy using the pilates bands and balls, the feedback that you get from your body is increased and it makes you more aware of your bodies reactions.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about doing Pilates.

Oh my goodness just do it! Just do it now for your bodies sake!

I wish I had started Pilates when I was younger, my body would have been so much more supple and stronger. I believe that Pilates can strip years off your body at any age so if you are thinking about it, stop thinking and do it!

At Lauren Hilton Pilates we aim to give you the opportunity to discover more about yourself through Pilates. We’ll guide you you to move with ease, without tension and stress so that you can meet your movement goals and create lasting change in both body and mind.

We offer group classes at our studio, online classes, Lauren Hilton Pilates At Home, pre and postnatal Pilates, private tuition.

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YOU are your best investment


Take 5 and hit the floor!