A quick guide to Pilates classes at Lauren Hilton Pilates Studio

Whether you're attending a block of mat or equipment classes with Lauren or Charlie, or one of Hannah's trainee classes for the first time, or as a regular, or you’re thinking about booking in, here’s a handy guide on all you need to know about Pilates classes at the Lauren Hilton Pilates Studio.

We often make use of props in our mat classes - all supplied for you in our fully equipped studio.

Will I get a class reminder?

Yes, you will receive an automated reminder 48 hours before class. If you attend an online class this email will also contain your Zoom link.

Where do I park?

Parking for classes is in the nearby Frankwell car park. There is a handy cut-through to the car park from Longnor Street. Parking is free after 6 pm, otherwise, it is 70p an hour. 


What should I bring?

We are a fully equipped studio so everything you need for your class is provided. You’ll sanitise all the equipment you’ve used so that it is clean for the next person. You may like to bring a water bottle and we recommend grip socks/or regular socks are worn rather than bare feet for hygiene reasons as we have a carpeted floor.

What do I wear?

It doesn't need to be fancy just comfortable! For ease of movement, we suggest clothes without belts and zips and if attending the equipment circuits class we ask that no zips are worn, hair is tied back, and grip socks are worn for your safety.

Choose comfortable clothing (no zips or belts), grips socks and hair tied up for ease of movement during your class.

What time do the studio doors open prior to class?

Doors open 10 minutes before the class. If you attend a class straight after another please wait until everyone has vacated before entering the studio.

I am going to miss a class in the block of classes I have booked do I cancel it?

NO! Please don't attempt to cancel a class as they are booked as a block in the booking system so it will mean all classes within your block will subsequently be cancelled. Simply use our swap board - see below.

What do I do if I miss a class in my block or I go on holiday?

In the office at the studio, there is a swap board with all classes and all dates. If you are ill or away on holiday please mark it on the board with an ‘I’, then if you see an ‘I’ elsewhere in a class you can attend instead cross through it and initial it that way no one else will take that spot.

Is there a time limit on when make-up classes need to be done?

Yes, any missed classes need to be made up within the current term.

What about Pay-as-you-go-classes?

If you need to cancel your class you can re-schedule it within 24 hours of the class by logging in to Acuity and re-booking a class on the same day or time. Cancellations within 24 hours will incur a full charge.

Our full Terms & Conditions are available here.

Your Pilates practice is only for you; a chance to have a precious hour to yourself, to let go, to move, and to experience a mind-body movement practice.

We're here to guide you with our expert hands so that when you leave the studio you feel great.

We can't wait to see you.

Lauren x


Behind the Pilates Moves: Swan


The Pilates Wunda Chair