Medium Resistance Band


This is the most popular band and is used regularly in our Pilates classes.

Resistance - Medium
Dimensions - 1.5m x 15cm
Colour - Blue.

Warning - Contains Latex, do not use if allergic.

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Care instructions

Resistance bands are made of latex which is an organic natural substance, which will break down and deteriorate over time. It should therefore be protected from extreme temperatures, chemicals, perfumes, sweat and moisture, all of which may speed up deterioration.

Storing these products properly will help prolong the life of the product. Resistance bands should be laid flat and dusted with talcum powder from time to time. This prevents the rubber from sticking together when warm and will aid the process of tying and untying the bands.


Hedgehog Balance Pod
Pilates Sitting Block
Franklin Original Balls (pair)
Pilates 7'' Exer-Soft Ball
Light Resistance Band