Celebrating our bodies - a quick perspective on positivity and Pilates.
A quick insight on embracing body positivity and finding joy in every movement at Lauren Hilton Pilates.
Dear Body,
Thanks for everything you do. x
A conversation with one of my beautiful clients today got me thinking…
How often do we celebrate what our body does for us? We can spend a lot of time focusing on what our body can’t do rather than what it can do.
Sure, as we get older we may start to experience more aches and pains, and we might get a few injuries but how does it feel to punish and talk negatively to ourselves about this ‘deficit’? I know it doesn’t feel good, having been there many times.
Let’s change the narrative from critique to applause, celebrating our body’s achievements
But, what if we shift the narrative to a kinder and more loving one?
Instead; is it possible to smile and celebrate what our body has done?
Healing from that injury
Moving through each day despite a chronic illness
Surviving months of cancer treatment
Overcoming a depression
Creating and growing a tiny human
Climbing that mountain
Weeding the garden
Getting down to the floor and back up again
Marvelling in our body’s functionality and being grateful for the wisdom it provides us goes a long way in improving our body image and relationship with it. Next time you feel that inner critic talking negatively about your body, reframe it, what has my body done today that I feel grateful for?
I am grateful that I climbed up and down a lighthouse whilst on holiday, something I couldn’t have done 3 months ago.
Remember your body is listening and the message you send to it matters, so let's be kind and loving.
At LHP we work with our clients and studio community to restore and enhance their physical wellbeing. We don’t believe in perfection, just progression and meeting our clients and community where they are. We believe in a holistic approach to guiding you in your journey to optimal health. A balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental health through the healing powers of Pilates.
See you in the studio or online soon!
Lauren x
Owner and Pilates teacher, Lauren Hilton Pilates, Shrewsbury
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